
向こう半年の予定 メモ

9/27 Dinner for Muted Senses, Camera Japan Festival

10/1, WDKA(ロッテルダム美術大学)にて「折り紙」ワークショップ(??詳細不明)

10/10, CBK Dordrecht にて Edible Perfume Workshop

10/13-16, WDKA(ロッテルダム美術大学)にて 4日間 Projectweek 講師

[title] How to confuse our senses?

This workshop is about the illusion of smell. The question is "how to confuse our senses?", with a special attention to the sense of smell (partly the sense of taste).

Kohlrabi tastes like cabbage. Hyacinths smells like jasmine and rose. We come up with such brilliant connections often when we smell (or taste) without seeing. It tells us how the sense of seeing influences other senses. An object that looks like an apple has to smell like an apple, according to our eyes. Otherwise we get confused.

Let's get confused in this workshop. What we'll make in this workshop is something that confuses our senses.

"a piece of apple that smells like orange"
"a cup of spinach served as fresh green tea"

The result of the workshop is a playful exhibition.

1st day: theory / discussion
2nd day: theory / experimentation(assignment)
3rd day: experimentation(assignment)
4th day: exhibition / discussion

12/7-18, 京都造形大にてレジデンス&ワークショップ&講師 テーマ:においをメディア化する実験(仮題)

12/20, 京都アーティスト・サミット

1月 アムステルダムで展示(何処で?何を?・・・詳細不明)

2月 デン・ハーグ王立音楽院&王立美術学校合同設置学部Interfaculty Art Science で講師

Smell and Art
Maki Ueda

What is it that we are smelling, what does it make you imagine, what does it make you feel? Could we incorporate the olfactory sense in art? Could smell be a medium carrying information? This course will deal with these questions through a combination of lectures, workshops, intermediate presentations and a final presentation.
In this course we will start with looking at examples of art and the olfactory sense, then we will discuss the potential of the olfactory sense in art. The workshops will first focus on fieldwork and on observing the environment with the olfactory sense. You wil smell a lot and learn how to communicate about smell with others, using a basic vocabulary for analyzing and expressing the character of a smell. Secondly we
will extract smells from raw materials like soup, cheese burgers, old books, rubber tyres, flowers, and smelly T-shirts. You will learn how to do this yourself and how to compose new smells (in the most simple way).

Dates: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18
Times: Mon, tue, thu 13.00—16.00
Credits: 1.5 EC
Objective: An introduction to artistic
use of the medium of smell
Literature: To be announced in class
Location: KABK PB301
No. of classes: 9 clss / 3 hrs
Examination: Small assignments, attendance
